Elena Vassilieva (soprano) sings WEINBERG Three Palms (Russian) - TCHEREPNIN There was no wind (French)- SHOTT Four songs (English) - WUSTIN Little Requiem (Latin) - RASKATOV  Prayer (Kaddish) - Hebrew (This recordings was made on the occasion of the 100 anniversary of the death of M.P.Belaieff)

Compositori: WEINBERG Mieczyslaw "Moishei" Samuilovic (Russia); TCHEREPNIN Alexander Nikolayevich (Russia); RASKATOV Alexander (Russia); WUSTIN Alexander; RASKATOV Alexander (Russia);

Esecutori: VASSILIEVA Elena (soprano); Quartetto Sine Nomine;

Casa discografica: CLAVES - Svizzera

Codice prodotto: CLA 2303

Codice a barre: 7619931230320

Supporto: CD Compact disc

Quantità contenuta: 1

Prezzo: 19.5 euro
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