Songs by PETERSON-BERGER Intet ar som vantans tider; Langtam eter min arvedet; Apakerpol ska - STENHAMMAR Till en ros, op.8/4; Vid fonstret, op.20/2; Melodi, urFem sanger; Flickan kom
Saxophone con forza: EDLUND Trio sol (1980) sax and pf - REHNQUVIST Radda mig ur dyn (1994) - MORTHENSON Intra (1994) sax and guitar - ELIASSON Poem (1988) sax and pf -
Leaves: Brains and dancing (1981); Trio Sol (1980); Orchids in the embers (1984); Small Feet (1982); Leaves (1977-81); I, II & III