Choral Evensong from Liverpool Cathedral: ELGAR Organ: Nimrod (Enigma Variations); Introit: We will remember them - THALBEN-BALL Organ: Elegy - LEIGHTON Pieces en Responses; Two  Anthems - DAVIES Psalm 23; Psalm 121 and Requien i aeternam - DOWLE 1st and 2nd Lesson; Prayers - HOWELLS Magificat; Nunc Dimittis; Creed; Responses - GREENE Lord, let me know mine end - PARRY My soul, there is a contry; Hymn. Dear Lord and Father- e a.

Compositori: ELGAR Edward Sir. (Inghilterra); THALBEN BALL George; LEIGHTON Kenneth; DAVIES Henry W.; DOWLE Cynthia; HOWELLS Herbert (Inghilterra); GREENE Maurice; PARRY Charles Hubert "Hastings" (Inghilterra); RUTTER John (Inghilterra); ROSE Bernard; BACH Johann Sebastian;

Esecutori: POULTER David (dir); The Choir of Lincoln Cathedral; BISHOP DANIEL (organo); NOBLE Martyn (organo);

Casa discografica: PRIORY - Inghilterra

Codice prodotto: PRI 1068

Codice a barre: 5028612210681

Supporto: CD Compact disc

Quantità contenuta: 1

Prezzo: 13.5 euro
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