Jane Manning (soprano) sings WEIR Don't let that horse- NASH In a Walled Garden- CONNOLLY Poems of Wallace Stevens II - BAULD Farewell Already - ELIAS Peroration - PAYNE Adlestrop -  GILBERT Beastly Jingles -

Compositori: WEIR Judith; NASH Peter Paul; CONNOLLY Justin; BAULD Alison; ELIAS Brian; PAYNE Anthony; GILBERT Anthony;

Esecutori: MANNING Jane (soprano); MONTGOMERY Roger (dir); Jane's Minstrels;

Casa discografica: NMC RECORDINGS LTD

Codice prodotto: NMC 025

Codice a barre: 5023360025266

Supporto: CD Compact disc

Quantità contenuta: 1

Prezzo: 19.5 euro
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