24 Preludes, op.28; 3 Waltzes: op.69/1, op. 70/2, op.70/3; Impromptu, op.51/4; Nocturne in C-sharp minor, op.27/1; Nocturne in D-flat major, op.27/2 - Vladimir Sofronitsky (piano) -
CD Compact disc -
euro 24.5
Vladimir Sofronitsky vol.7: (The Recital 21.11 & 20.10.1949 at the Moscow Conservatoire): CHOPIN F. Nocturnes (opp.37/2, 48/1, 9/2, 27/2); 24 Preludes, op.28; Mazurkas (opp.67/4,
CD Compact disc -
euro 49
Vladimir Sofronitsky vol.10: SCRIABIN Piano Sonata n.5, op.53; Piano Sonata n.8, op.66; Piano Sonata n.9, op.68; Poem op.59/1; Poems: op.69/1 & op.32/1: Etudes op.42 /3, 4 & 5
Vladimir Sofronitsky vol.11: (The Recital 11.10.1960 in at the Moscow Conservatoire) MOZART Fantasy in C minor, Kv.396 - SCHUBERT/LISZT Litanie; Songs: (The Miller and the Brook; Asylum; The Forest King; Fruhlingslaube; Der Doppelganger)
CD Compact disc -
euro 49
Vladimir Sofronitsky vol.13: (The Great Recital 28.01.1952 ) SCHUMANN R. Fantasia C-dur, op.17 - LISZT F. Aprés une lecture de Dante, sonata quasi una fantasia, S161 - CHOPIN F. Nocturnes
CD Compact disc -
euro 24.5
A Century of Romantic CHOPIN - This CD set is played by the great pianists - The set contains 90 selections played by 65 different pianists.- T.T.
CD Compact disc -
euro 118
Vladimir Sofronitsky vol.17: LISZT Piano Sonata in B minor - SCHUBERT/LISZT Lieder - SCRIABIN Prelude, op.67; Flammes sombres; Guilandes; Piano Sonata n.5; Poem, op.32/1 -
CD Compact disc -
euro 24.5
La leggenda di Sofronitsky - SCRIABIN 5 Studi op.8; Fantasia in si min. op.28; Sonata n.10 op.70; 3 Preludi; Due poemi op.32 - CHOPIN (dal concerto commemorativo del centenario della morte di Chopin) : Mazurche e Valzer etc.