A Book of Chorale-Settings for Johann Sebastian (Incidental Festivities and Psalms)
A Book of Chorale-Settings for Johann Sebastian (Patience and serenity; Jesus Hymns)
A Book of Chorale-Settings for Johann Sebastian (Trust in God, cross and consolation; Justification and penance; Dying, death and eternity; In the evening)
Cantatas: Gott ist mein Konig, BWV 71; Alles nur nach Gottes Willen, BWV 72; Herr, wie du willt, so schicks mit mir, BWV 73; Wer mich liebet, der wird mein Wort halten, BWV 74
Requiem der Versohnung / Requiem of reconciliation: Composizioni di Berio, Cerha, Ditttrich, Harbison, Kopelent, Nordheim, Rands, Dalbavie, Weir, Penderecki, Rihm, Schnittke, Yuasa, Kurtag
SCHAFER Christine (1965), soprano, sings Arias from HAYDN Die Schopfung - BACH Weltliche Kantata BWV 211&212; Messe A-dur, BWV 234; Johannes-Passion, BWV 245- MENDELSSOHN
HAENDEL G.F. Saul, Hwv.53 (An oratorio or sacred drama in 3 parts - Londres 1739) - Helmuth Rilling (cond) -
BACH, Johann Sebastian: Kantate Bwv.215 "Preise deon Glucke, gesegnetes Sachsen" - Helmuth Rilling (cond), Gachinger Kantorei, Bach Collegium & Figuralchor der Gedachtniskirche Stuttgart -
BACH, Johann Sebastian: Messe in H-moll, Bwv.232 - Helmuth Rilling (cond), Gachinger Kantorei Stuttgart, Bach Collegium Stuttgart, A.Auger (soprano), J.Hamari (alto), A.Kraus (tenor), W.Schone -
BACH, Johann Sebastian: Johannes-Passion, Bwv.245 / Passione secondo Giovanni - Helmuth Rilling (cond), Gachinger Kantorei, Bach Collegium Stuttgart, Hamari, Scheier, Fischer-Dieskau,
BACH, Johann Sebastian: Weihnachts-Oratorium, Bwv.248 / Oratorio di Natale - Helmuth Rilling (cond), Gachinger Kantorei, Bach Collegium Stuttgart, Hamari, Schreier, Auger, Schone -
BACH, Johann Sebastian: Magnificat in D major, Bwv.243 - Helmuth Rilling (cond), Helmuth Rilling (cond), Gachinger Kantorei, Bach Collegium Stuttgart, Murray, Kraus, Auger, Schone -
BRAHMS, Johannes: Zigeunerlieder, op.103; 3 Chorus Quartets, op.31; 6 Chorus Quartet, op.112 - Helmuth Rilling (cond), Gachinger Kantorei, Martin Galling (piano) - Nonesuch Printed in USA -