Der Rosenkavalier (Musical Comedy in 3 Acts - Libretto: Hugo von Hofmannsthal) - Hans Knappertsbusch (cond), Bayerische Staatsoperorchester, Schech Topper, Edelmann, Kuen, Koth -
Tannhauser (Heger)- Der Fliegende Hollander (Kraus) - Lohengrin (Kempe) -SEIDER-PAUL-SCHECH-BAUMER-OSTERAG-STREICH-KUSCHE - OBR HEGER ROBERT
D'ALBERT E. Tiefland (Music-Drama in a Prelude and 2 Acts - Libretto by Rudolph Lothar, after the play "Terra baixa" by Angel Guimerà) - Rudolf Albert (cond) - (rec. Munchen, 1953) -
Don Giovanni, K.527 (Opera in 2 Acts - Libretto by Lorenzo Da Ponte) - Karl Elmendorff (cond), Dresden State Opera Chorus, Hopf, Pfanzl, Bohme, Teschemacher, Ahlersmeyer, Schech, Frick, Weidlich -
Hansel and Gretel (A Fairy-Tale Opera in 3 Acts - Libretto by Adelheide Wette after story by Grimm's brothers) - (1956) -
Hansel and Gretel (A Fairy-Tale Opera in 3 Acts - Libretto by Adelheide Wette after story by Grimm's brothers) -
WEBER C.M. Euryanthe (Romantic Opera in 3 Acts - Libretto by Helmina von Chézy) - (Live Recording: London, 1955) -
Alexander Welitsch (baritono, 1906-1991) Scenes & Opera Arias by BEETHOVEN Fidelio: Ha, welch' ein Augenblick (1949)- MARSCHNER Hans Heiling: An jenem Tag (1950)- WAGNER Die
Tannhauser and the Song Contest at the Wartburg - Romantic Opera in Three Acts - Historic Complete Recording (Dresden Version) (1951)
Die Frau ohne Schatten (Opera in Three Acts - Libretto: Hugo von Hofmannstahl) -Rudolf Kempe (cond) - (Live Recording, Munchen 31/08/1954) -
AA.VV.: Prinzregententheater Munchen (Historical Live Recordings 1947-1962) - Orfeo (1985) -