English song album (icluding A Shoropshire Lad, Shakespeare, Arne e Quilter songs): PURCELL Re tir'd from any mortal's sight: Silvias, now your scorn give over; I see, she files from me; On the brow  of Richmond Hill (1944)- ARNE Blow, blow. thou winter wind; When icicles, hang by the wall; Under the greenwood tree; Where the bee sucks (A. Desmond, 1945)- MUNRO My lovely Celia- BOUGHTON Faery Song (R. Lewis, 1948)- BUTTERWORT A Shropshire Lad- ea

Compositori: PURCELL Henry (Inghilterra); ARNE Thomas Augustine; MUNRO; BOUGHTON Rutland; BUTTERWORTH George (Inghilterra); LEHMANN Hans Ulrich; WOODFORDE-FINDEN Amy; QUILTER Roger;

Esecutori: MOORE Gerald (pianoforte); CAMERON John (baritono); CATLEY Gwen (soprano); PICCAVER Alfred (tenore); NASH Heddle (tenore); DESMOND Astra (contralto); CATLEY Gwen (soprano); PICCAVER Alfred (tenore);

Casa discografica: DUTTON - Inghilterra

Codice prodotto: DUT 7104

Codice a barre: 0765387710422

Supporto: CD Compact disc

Quantità contenuta: 1

Prezzo: 19.5 euro
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