Madrigali & Anthems: What have the Gods; Alleluja, I heard a voice; Hosanna to the son of David; Gloria in Excelsis Deo; As vesta was from latmos hill; Hark hall ye lovely saints; Loke two proud armies; and others  

Compositori: WEELKES Thomas (Inghilterra);

Esecutori: KIRKBY Emma (soprano); TUBB Evelyn (soprano - dir); CORNWELL Joseph (tenore); ROOLEY Anthony (dir - liuto - chitarrone); The Consort of Musicke; HANCORN John;

Casa discografica: ASV - Inghilterra

Codice prodotto: ASV GAU 195

Codice a barre: 0743625019520

Supporto: CD Compact disc

Quantità contenuta: 1

Prezzo: 19.5 euro
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