Die Entfuhrung aus dem Serail, K.384 (Deutsches Singspiel in 3 Akten - Libretto by Johann Gottlieb Stephanie) -
Lili Kraus plays MOZART Piano Concerto n.19 in F major K.469; Piano Concerto n.20 in D minor K.466; Rondo in D major, K.485; Minuet in D major, K.335; Piano Sonata n.12 in F major, K.332;
Otto Edelmann (baritono) Scenes and Opera Arias by WAGNER Tannhauser: Gar viel und schon (1951)... Blick' ich umber... O du mein holder Abendsterm; Die Fliegende Hollander: Die Frist
Roswaenge Helge (tenore, 1897-1972) Scenes and Opera Arias by AUBER Fra Diavolo: Ewig will dir gehoren - ADAM Der Postillon von Lonjumeau: Freunde, vernehmet die Geschichte - WEBER
Don Giovanni, K.527 (Opera in 2 Acts - Libretto by Lorenzo Da Ponte) - Rudolf Moralt (cond), Vienna Symphony Orchestra & Choir, Simoneau, Berry, London, Zadek, Sciutti, Jurinac, Waechter -
WAGNER R. Siegfried (Romantic Opera in Three Acts) - Rudolf Moralt (cond) - (Live recording, Wien, 1949) - PRANDL-TREPTOW-FRANTZ-WENIGK-ANDAY-VOGEL
D'ALBERT E. Tiefland (Music-Drama in a Prelude and 2 Acts - Libretto by Rudolph Lothar, after the play "Terra baixa" by Angel Guimerà) - Rudolf Moralt (cond) - (recorded: 13-15 april 1954) -
Braun Helena (soprano, 1903-1990): Scenes and Arias by BEETHOVEN Fidelio: Abscheulicher, wo eilst di hin? (1942) - WAGNER Tristan und Isolde: Mild und leise (1942); Funf Wesendonk Lieder (1945);
Famous Conductors of the Past; Rudolf MORALT (1902-1958): SCHUBERT Symphony n.5 in B flat major D485; Seventeen German Dances (Rec.1951) - STRAUSS Wiener Blut, Waltz op. 354;
Ludwig Weber (basso,1899-1974) Scenes & Opera Arias by MOZART Die enfuhrung aus dem Serail: Wer ein Liebchen hat gefunden (1949)... O, wie will ich triumphieren (1948)- BEETHOVEN
Gré Brouwenstijn (soprano, 1915-1999) Scenes & Arias by WEBER Der Freischutz; Oberon: Ozean, du Ungeheuer (1952) - WAGNER Der Fliegende Hollander, Tannhauser & Lohengrin -
Inge BORKH, soprano: Scenes and Opera Arias by GLUCK Alceste: Divinités du Styx - WEBER Oberon: Ozean, du Ungeheuer! - VERDI Macbeth: Vieni t'affretta... La luce langue; Un Ballo in
London George (bass-baritone, 1920-1985) vol.3: MOZART Don Giovanni: Finch'han del vino; Deh vieni alla finestra; Metà di voi quà vadano (1955) - WAGNER Die Meistergenger: Was duftet doch
VIVALDI, Antonio: Violin Concerto in E-flat major, op.3/1 P.429: Violin Concerto in G minor, P.343 - Printed in Japan