As the sound of many waters, for solo flute (1998); Violet, for fl, clar, vl, vlc, pf e 2 marimbas (1994-95); Gihon, for solo violin (1995); The King's Way, for soprano, flute, bassoon, violin, cello, harp,  percussion & piano (1988-89); Like Jasper and Carnelian, for solo flute (1997)

Compositori: NEWTON James;

Esecutori: NEWTON James (flauto traverso); San Francisco Contemporary Music Players; MILNES David (dir);

Casa discografica: NEW WORLD RECORDS - Stati Uniti

Codice prodotto: NWR 80579

Codice a barre: 0093228057925

Supporto: CD Compact disc

Quantità contenuta: 1

Prezzo: 29.5 euro
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