The Budapest String Quartet - The Library of Congress Mozart Recordings (1940-1945): Quintet in A major for clarinet and strins, K.581; String Quartet in D minor, K.421; Quartet in E-flat major, for pf.  & strings, K.493; Divertimento in E-flat major for violin, viola and violoncello, K.563; String Quartet in A major, K.464

Compositori: MOZART Wolfgang Amadeus (Austria);

Esecutori: The Budapest String Quartets; LANGENUS Gustave (clarinetto); SZELL George (dir - pianoforte);

Casa discografica: BRIDGE RECORDS - Stati Uniti

Codice prodotto: BRI 9085

Codice a barre: 0090404908521

Supporto: CD Compact disc

Quantità contenuta: 2

Prezzo: 39 euro
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