KRAFT L. Episodes for clarinet and percussion; O primavera; Inventions and air for clarinet - BRINGS A. Eclogue for clarinet solo; Trio for clarinet, cello and piano; Concert piece for four clarinets, Three inventions after J.S, Bach for two clarinets -
CHARLSTON Eric (percussioni);STALLMAN Robert (flauto traverso);ROSEMAN Ronald (oboe);GILMORE Efward (clarinetto);KARIS Aleck (pianoforte);
CHOPIN F. Piano Works: Fantaisie in F minor, op.49 - CARTER E. Night Fantasies - SCHUMANN R. Carnaval, op.9 -
CD Compact disc -
euro 23.5
DASHOW J. Morfologie, for trumpet-player and computer (1993); Punti di vista nr.2, for piano solo (1976, rev. 1990); Reconstructions, for harp & Computer (1992) - DELIO T. Anti-paysage (1990);
CD Compact disc -
euro 23.5
REYNOLDS R. Personae - The Vanity of Words - Variation