The GRAINGER Edition - Vol.12 (Songs for Mezzo): Seven Songs (various); Four Settings from Songs of the North; Two settings of Rudyard Kipling; Five settings of Ella Grainger
The GRAINGER Edition - Vol.14 (Works for Chamber Ensemble 2): Lord Peter's Stable-Boy; The Shoemaker from Jerusalem; Hubby and Wifey; Rge Onlty Son; The Banls and Braes O' Bonnie
The GRAINGER Edition - Vol.9 (Works for Chorus and Orchestra 3): Mock Morris; The Power of Lowe; Died for Love; Love Verses from The Song of Salomon; Sheperd's Hey; Early one Morning;
O God, the King og Glory Anthems: Behold, now praise the Lord; In thee, O Lord, do I put my trust; O God the King of Glory; My song shall be alway; Lord, how long wilt thou be angry? It Is a Good
The GRAINGER Edition - Vol.3 (Works for Chorus and Orchestra): Shallow Brown-Marching Tune; I'm Seventeen Come Sunday; Molly on the Shore; Brigg Fair; Early One Morning; After-word; There
The GRAINGER Edition - Vol.3 (Works for Chorus and Orchestra): Shallow Brown-Marching Tune; I'm Seventeen Come Sunday; Molly on the Shore; Brigg Fair; Early One Morning; After-word; There
The GRAINGER Edition - Vol.2 (Sond for Baritone): Willow Willow; Six Dukes Went Afshin; British Water Side; The Pretty Maid Milkin' her Cow; The Lost Lady Found; Crespin Jane; Bold William
Cantata BWV 4 "Christ lah in Todesbanden" - Cantata BWV 131 "Aus der Tiefe rufe ich, Herr, zu dir"
BACH J.S. Kantate: Bwv.106, "Actus Tragicus" Gottes zeit ist die allerbeste zeit; Bwv.200, "Bekennen will ich seinen namen" - TELEMANN G.P. Du aber, Daniel, gehe hin -
Cantatas vol.22: For Easter Sunday (Bwv.4 and Bwv.31) - For Easter Monday (Bwv.66 and Bwv.6) - For Easter Tuesday (Bwv.134 and Bwv.145) -
Cantatas vol.23: For the First Sunday after Easter (Bwv.42, 67, 150, 158); For the Second Sunday after Easter (Bwv.85, 104, 112) -
The GRAINGER Edition - Vol.5 (Works for Chorus and Orchestra 2): The Widow's Party; The Sea-Wife; The Running of Shinland; We Have Fed Our Sea for a Thounsand Years; The Loce Song of
Summer serenata, tenor solo, chorus and orchestra; Four Songs from: The Hesperides by Robert Herrick, baritone solo & string orchestra; A Menagerie, unaccompaniend voices; Farewell, Earth's
Stephen Varcoe (basso-baritono) sings "If There Were Dreams to Sell" English Orchestral QUILTER Three Shakespeare Songs, op.6- BUTTERWORTH 3 Love Blows as the Wind Blows;
HAYDN F.J. Sacred Music: Heiligmesse in B-flat major, Hob. XXII:10 (Missa Sancti Bernardi von Offida); Nikolaimesse in G major, Hob XXII:6 (Missa Sancti Nicolai) -
Sacred Concerti and Harpsichord Music: Wie liegt die Stadt so wuste; Toccata IV; Partita II & III; Zion Spricht, der Herr hat mich, verlassen; Toccata dal 12 tuono; Weine nicht, es hat uberwunden
Cantatas vol.4: For the sixth Sunday after Trinity: Es ist das Heil BWV 9M; Vergnugte Ruh BWV 170; For the seventh Sunday after Trinity: Agre dich BWV 186; Was willst du dich BWV 107; Es
BACH, Johann Sebastian: Messe in F major, Bwv.233; Messe in A major, Bwv.234; Messe in G minor, Bwv.235; Messe in in G major, Bwv.236 - Hans Martin Linde (cond), Linde Consort -
HAENDEL G.F. Alessandro, Hwv.21 (Musical Drama in 3 Acts - Libretto by Paolo Antonio Rolli) -
Passionsoratorium - Meine Seele erhebt den Herrn , Motette sur soli, Chor, Streicher un Basso continuo